February 12, 2008
macavitykitsune asked for a special kind of icon for her birthday, and because I like to feel important I of course jumped in to draw the images needed...or something like that, anyway >//>.
In unnecessarily huge size :P
I hope she has already seen the icon because I shouldn't be posting before that...but I'm impatient and need to go to sleep. I'm sorry? :'3
artist: Maarit aka myself
fandom: Saiyuki (are you surprised -__-;?)
worksafe: some kissing, nothing much.
pairing: *points down*
Tenpou and Kenren, sitting in a tree...playing dress up?
notes: I panicked a bit after I had inked the one of Kenren and realiced that with the hair and glasses and labcoat he looked a lot like Nii...o_o Think I got rid of the resemblance thought >_>;. You see how I totally stole the poses from Minekura, eheh >3>.
Kissing was surprisingly difficult (thought fun :D) to draw, even with references, what with the whole faces smushed together thing =_=. kissing is weird
(request: Kenren with glasses and a book)
(r.=Tenpou with a sake bottle and a leer)
21st Feb
So, imagine there was this official type of thing, and for some reason it was suspected certain people might cause trouble (maaybe something disrupting had happened before, yes?).
And then someone had the brilliant idea of putting a certain dragon in between those two troublemakers...but maybe that didn't work quite as well as they hoped. :)
Goujun had heard that Konzen Douji was often in a bad mood nowadays. He no longer wondered why.
March 02
Title: King of the western sea, Goujun
Artist: stalkerbunny
Warnings: worksafe
Notes: On popular demand, and also because I wanted to see Goujun in something more colorful...no I really am that shallow.
May 22, 2008
Warnings: it's very silly?
When Lovepony looks thoughtfull like that, sensible creatures back away. Slowly and quietly.
Konzen Starry thinks you're disturbing.
This is Tenpou. He's cream colored, like old paper. Don't ask him how one moves pages with hoofs.
May 27
Title: The Goddess of Mercy
Artist: It is I, Maarit.
Warnings: Nyah. It might be Kanzeon, but I drew her with a bit less revealing clothes than usual (OOC! D:)
Notes: Art history is still boring frustrating, hence all the detail ;P
June 19
Title: "Does this color suit me?"
artist: stalkerbunny
warnings: Does a kiss warrant a warning?
notes: Still playing around with the slightly unfamiliar markers :P
lillypuff wished Tenpou and Kenren for her birthday, and I made some industrial espionage, trying to find out what she might like...don't know if that helped.
Anyway, added a few surprises, hope you like them. ^_~