Oct 28, 2003 03:39
long time no update. the last thing i posted was that i was going to see against me on tuesday, it was good, not great but good.
I saw them again on thrusday in NYC and it sucked beyond all belief. first off the show was $15.00 and they opened for Anti-Flag at a Fat Rec showcase. It was at BB Kings which is in Times square across from the Lion King and a McDonald's that was the size of a movie theater. They played most of the new songs to which i liked about 1/2 of them and did not play those anarcho punks nor baby... but what made it suck was the kids there not really knowing the songs and all they did was mosh, i even saw a crowd surfer, not much dancing. I was highly upset. Then Anti-flag came on. They were ok. I like the music but not the band if that is possible. They are too liberal for me as odd as that sounds.
Then when i came out of the club Junkyard was arguing with some bouncers about being pushed and had to deal with homophobic managers and shit. They called the cops on us, but we didn't leave and got the cops to give the club a warning about pushing people and totally turned it around on the club. Oh forgot to mention Junkyard and Sheila got drinking in public tickets and it was the day after sheilas 21st birthday.
Then we went to the van, and there was no van. I miss read the sign and it was towed. We then walked 10 CITY blocks, it took over a half hour and I payed my $185 to get the van back, I was not too upset, well I was but what could i have done about it, so i made jokes and was having a good time till I went to the van and there was a ticket on the window written 5 minutes before it was towed for $105.00 I was then pissed for the rest of the night. And still am a bit. I then dropped the kids off in NB but first got Fat Samiches. then slept in the trailers at work because i took kids from there to the show. we got there at 5 am.
work Friday I was awesome. I was on target and everything clicked for me. I made 3 15 year old girls cry each one of them at least twice plus a bunch of other people too. My family was there along with the neighbors so it was a good night.
Saturday Nikki called out again and they made me lead. First time ever and when do they do it, oh when there are over 54,000 people in the park. I did well though only one major assault and I felt horrible about it. I just need to listen to the radio more is all they said. My co-workers said they liked me as lead so that is good.
Sunday kinda was odd, not bad, not good.