Oct 24, 2007 14:02
Lol hey guys, whats going on here.
Actually this is really nice.
I don't think it's all that great for most of my academic work, however... for blog writing etc this is really rather neat.
I like writing, it's an odd thing really, I don't know quite why, but it's something to do with seeing your thoughts effecting the physical world in a clear, simple and defined fashion. The thoughts that you are writing don't really have to mean anything to bring out this magic either, all you have to do is write what you are thinking.
There is real sense of honesty as well, where your thoughts are being written down precisely as you think them. They can be altered, normalized or jazzed up in the future, but thats not where the magic really lies. it's all about the writing.
In case you didn't know, as I have just decided I will probably blog this later, I am writing in "WriteRoom" a piece of Mac software that takes over your whole screen, essentially emulating the effect of a typewriter.
There is nothing on my screen, except a dark grey background, a blinking cursor and this text in a nice tangerine orange. The software even moves the text up when it reaches a defined point, much like a typewriter scrolls up when it reaches the end of the line, but without the satisfying, yet obnoxious "ping!".
It really is liberating to have this simplicity, especially for a Mac user, as we are so used to having a dozen applications open at once; flipping between documents and chat rooms, emails and web pages with a quick tap of a key, a graphical transition, and a click of the mouse. This is much more calm, much more ordered.
Fire alarms keep going off here at my student accommodation, thank god this isn't a tower (it's a little village of 3 story flats), or I'd have to get up out of bed every 5 minutes. Although maybe it's the fact that the effect upon others is so minimal, that is causing the attitude that cooking with the kitchen door open, leaving the stove on overnight, or smoking inside isn't all that big a deal.
But then, I like to make big deals out of simple things, for example, this text editor :P.
student university accomodation writeroo