Title: Mutual Stupidity
Fandom: Sailor Moon/Final Fantasy VII
Pairing/Character: Sephiroth/Sailor Saturn
Rating: NC17 for smut (with a touch of both angry!sex and romantic fluff)
Summary: Direct sequel to
lady_pamina's ficlet,
Remember When It Rained. And I mean *direct* sequel, as in, five seconds later. ;-) Sephiroth and Hotaru celebrate their mutually
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LOVE, love, love (3 times the charm) second smut scene. I agree it's very much a contrast to the first. I like how they moved slower and were very focused on just touching and being with one another. I have to say I'm soooo jealous of your writing skills. You pack into a couple small paragraphs so much emotion, thought, character expression. I envy your ability to compact things so well. That last sentence sounds highly uneloquent, but you get the idea.
It was lovely to see Sephiroth being so gentle at the end. The last scene was filled with an incredible amount of sweetness. The two of them laying there together, Hotaru listening and falling asleep to his heartbeat, Sephiroth shushing her and telling her to get rest --> ;_; + ^^ + <3.
I see where you were going with Hotaru's crying. I still remain firm in my stance that non-emo Hotaru best, but I understand you got a soft spot for emo-ness. It's okay, I'll still accept and love you along with any fanfiction you write with this OTP.
Speaking of stupid, when I first saw the title my first thought was that you were referring to the both of us because I wrote in my note for the sparring fic that it was basically gratuitous writing for me and you. I thought you were talking about our silly fangirlishness. ^^
Yaaay, I'm glad you liked the second smut scene. And you're making me blush... I'm not that good. XD I think your sex scenes are better than mine, more descriptive and all... but the praise is very much appreciated. ^^ And I'm glad you found Sephiroth sweet at the end. ^^
I know where you're coming from on the emo thing... to be honest, since I've started talking with you, I've gotten a little less into the emo (or, at least, I find myself not writing it when I'm writing fic with/for you ^^). Of course, part of the problem is that I'm a crybaby myself so tears come rather naturally to me. I'll have to see how my epic fic develops now that I've had a chance to tackle "non emo" Hotaru. ^^ That is, if I ever get back to writing it... >.>
Yaaay, I'm so glad you liked the idiot/moron thing... I wanted it to be an echo of the end of your fic, only a little gentler and more loving. I wanted it to be a sort of progression... back when it actually happens, when Hotaru screams at Sephiroth and calls him an idiot, she's really honestly angry (and I'm sure Sephiroth was equally angry and ranting about her being a moron when she passed out). At the end of your fic, obviously they'd calmed down and were more touched by each other's sacrifice, but there was still an inkling of... not quite irritation, more exasperation, sort of, "oh, you silly boy/girl, what am I going to do with you?" I wanted their final exchange of "insults" to move even beyond that, into open acceptance and gratitude, even if it's a little foolhardy of both of them.
Hahaha, that's amusing about the title! No, I chose the title because, well, that's what the fic's about! They're both being "stupid in love" with each other, and they're cool with that. ^^ I think if I were titling a fic based on you and me, it'd be "Fangirls Unite!" or "Wonder Twin Psychic Powers Activate!" And I know what you mean about us indulging in writing fics for each other - I haven't worked on any of my epic, "serious" fics in ages - but you know what, we're both having fun, and that's great. ^^
I'm such a walking contradiction because half the time I'm a cynical bitch and the other I'm a hopeless romantic. Put that together with being an adamant feminist and guess that's why I'm all like "NO CRYING! PERIOD! SUCK IT UP! END OF STORY!" I actually used to cry a lot when I was younger. However now, I'm permanently stuck with this whole "gotta be strong and not cry" mentality. I still can get pretty weepy at times.
I always hated reading over feminine heroines who always cried. I just got to associate tears with them and being weak. I have a passion for strong female heroes who have the balance between masculinity and femininity. That's why I write Hotaru the way I do. I <3 Sephiroth/Hotaru fanfiction. I don't <3 the idea of going back to classes on Monday.
Yeah, I can certainly see how you wouldn't like the weepiness etc. I think I sort of ended up taking a bit of a different developmental tack and ended up seeing tears as a sign of "strength in weakness," or something like that... i.e. that a person who cries is someone who's strong enough to SHOW their weakness rather than cover it up with a "brave face". Or something like that. >.> Not that there's anything wrong with the latter, of course, but it's something that I decided not to do... I'll cry when I feel like crying, damn it. ;D
I sometimes play off this as a potential character point for Hotaru and her relationship with Sephiroth. For the most part, in canon and before she meets Sephiroth, she doesn't cry much because she wants to be "strong" and show that strength. Being with Sephiroth, however, and coming to rely on his strength to a certain extent, let's her realize that on occasion, it's okay to be weak, it's okay to break down sometimes. Especially when you spend all your energy trying to be strong! That's why I have her sometimes cry when Sephiroth's around... she feels safe enough with him that she can just let all her rigid strength and fortitude crumble for a while and be vulnerable. Of course, the reverse also applies too (Sephiroth probably doesn't "cry" much per se, but he certainly is far more vulnerable with her at times).
Anyway, just my idea of one way their relationship and characters could develop... your mileage may vary, but hey, even if you disagree, I'm sure we still count as psychic fangirls.
(And for the record, while I have Hotaru crying a bit when Sephiroth is near - either due to relationship stuff, or sometimes some non-relationship thing that upsets her and makes her turn to him for comfort - I'm definitely not the type who goes for Hotaru sitting alone in her room, angsting and whimpering and crying and listening to Emo Band Du Jour. Crying and emo is a bit like strong spice... a very little goes a long, LONG way, and too much just ruins the dish. ^^)
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