Title: Sexy Man
Fandom: KAT-TUN, Kanjani8
Rating: PG-13 for swearing
Pairings: Jin/Ueda, Ryo/Ueda, Ryo/Jin
Warnings: Ryo's bringing sexy back.
Disclaimer: Am not affiliated with anyone from Johnny's Entertainment nor anyone remotely close to them. This story is definately NOT true.
AN: For
shabzilla since she wanted me to write Ryo/Jin and this is my poor effort. Unbeta'd but she loves it despite all that.
Ryo sat in the audience, hands clenched tightly as he watched Jin and Ueda dance closely, watching Jin's finger drag slowly down Ueda's chest before letting go, their hips swaying dangerously close. He watched the air between their hips, knowing he shouldn't be surprised or jealous of the fan service that they did since KAT-TUN was known to be sexier than NewS or Kanjani8 but he was.
A frown appeared and he scowled harder as he noticed a hair's breadth of space between Ueda's thrusting hips and Jin's gyrating ones. He was mad. No one should be that sexy but him! Well, Jin was sexy now but dammit, why couldn't Jin stay cute and chubby and not a sexpot with sexy gyrating hips. Sexy was his title!
And Ueda! The nerve of him looking sexy gyrating his hips against Jin's. Sure he knew that Jin and Ueda were friends and that he secretly thought Ueda was really sexy in an angsty, pretty sort of way but that was no excuse for the both of them to look pretty and sexy together.
Ryo shifted slightly, crossing his legs carefully. Subaru leaned on him, his mouth near Ryo's to whisper, "Wow. Jin looks really good! Ueda too!" in which Ryo merely snorted, muttering over how their sexy was nothing like his Sexy. He was the Sexy Osaka Man! He was the one who brought sexy back. To Osaka. But not Tokyo. Dammit. Jin did that and now Ryo was way too hard and a bit disgruntled that in Tokyo, his sexy wasn't holding out to the sexiness of Jin's finger dragging itself down Ueda's slim chest to the large, gothy, Gackt belt buckle. Nor did it held up against the thrust Ueda gave Jin, with his head tossed back and mouth slightly open as notes poured between them as easily as the taste of sex dripping off their bodies.
He was going to have some words with them afterwards. He wasn't sure if he was going to beat up Jin for touching his boyfriend like that or thank Ueda for giving him mental images that would keep him warm for those lonely nights in Osaka when he wasn't with him.
But for now, he was enjoying the show and dammit, he better get a blowjob afterwards or he was going to challenge them to a sexy duel and bribe Yamapi to be his partner.
Or something.