Title: Of Tears and Lions
Fandom: Arashi
Rating:PG for the swear word
Pairing: none
Warnings: fluff
Disclaimer: Don't know the boys nor is the story true.
AN: For
honooko because she had a weekend that wasn't up to snuff and said this: "And nobody wrote anything on the cuteness of Jun massaging Aiba's hurt foot, I thought for sure they would. :<" And I
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Just letting you know.
Arashi always gives me warm fuzzy feelings and writing them is so easy when it's about them caring about each other.
Have you been writing for long? I'm kinda new, myself.
My name's Chris, by the way.
I haven't been writing for very long. I decided to try my hand at writing late last year and have just restarted writing again after a hiatus. So I guess I'm fairly new.
Everyone calls me jemz. Nice to meet you, Chris!
OOO! WE SHOULD HAVE A BUNNY PARTY! Exchange a few! Challenge each other!
I've only been writing for a few months. I really like your stuff though. I've mostly been writing porn with plot and fluff tied in, but I've been meaning to do just straight G-Rated stuff like you've done. It's so sweet!
Nice to meet you too!
Thank you!!! *flattered* I like the pr0n too and I write it whenever the bunny is fighting with me. I know g-rated stuff isn't easy to write but it seems to flow for me. I have friends who have a hard time writing gen stuff while pr0n is a breeze for them and vice versa. I just write whatever I'm in the mood for.
Well, it's easy for me too, but my bunnies have just been porny as of late. I tend to do what I'm in the mood for as well, but that mood tends to be SEX THEM UP. Yeah...
I just got a few more but what fandoms do you write in? any particular favorites other than Arashi?
I sorta in the Harry Potter fandom with my infinite love for Harry/Draco but I used to be primarily anime fandoms. Jpop/Kpop and their pretty, pretty boys have taken over.
w-inds. is a lot of fun too. *_* they are a non-JE band but I adore them to pieces.
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