internet, GUHH!

Feb 05, 2006 03:16

the Interweb had been really getting on my nerves lately.

It's like this.

I log on, I check mySpace & OkCupid for messages because I'm an Internet loser & I'm lonely. Not because I am looking to "find a hot date" but maybe more like I am fishing for compliments. Okay, so I am human on that part. So sue me. and the company I work for.

So then when there's nothing there I save the best for last & eithercheck my e-mail or check out LJ to read up on all you fine folks.
Problems result from:
people can't update as fast as I keep checking back
e-mails are SO outdated now that people have IM programs (so no mail)

Frustration ensues. I'm fucking sick of the Internet because when I sit here, in this chair, I just feel lethargic. And I feel it is time wasted because I KNOW I have much better things to be doing. Like going through all my shit in boxes, or preparing meals for the next three days for work, or washing dishes, or vacuuming, or SOMETHING.

Something other than sitting here in this damn chair with bad posture, applying unnecessary pressure to this blasted tender tailbone. So if y'all haven't seen or heard from me a whole helluva lot, that would be why.

Plus, since Lynn has it, it's just not a novelty anymore. Its like I go online because I am DRONED into doing it.


Oh yeah PLUS my "lady parts" are REALLY FUCKING with my brain--it seems to be much more complicated than merely a cyclic thing. As soon as I get paid, I will make an appt. with a gynecologic SPECIALIST, and I will pay for the fucking sonograms or whatever the hell it is that tests for LUMPS . . . .
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