So Tony and I were chillin, watching "The Office" on DVD. I had been to a wedding reception last night where I had 4 shots of tequila so although I wasn't hung over, I was feeling a little lazy & mellow the next day.
Ton'y like, "I want a pudding cup," & Goes to the kitchen to get one and the next thing I hear is, "OHMYGOD LORI! YOU HAVE TO COME SEE THIS! Quick! It's like the best thing you will ever see!!"
Here. I'm thinking we have a very large and beautiful insect sitting on our windowsill, or he found a mouse, or some stunning feat of nature.
He's all excited because he has caught a glimpse of the midget neighbor mowing his lawn. I gazed out the window in a stupor, and said. "Oh dear lord . . . this is going on my blog . . . . "
So here's unphotoshopped visual proof:
Yes I feel horribly voyeuristic and surely am going straight to hell.