Things I love....

Aug 15, 2008 14:39

daisygrl invited me to play.... the game is to name 10 things you love with a given letter. K. gave me "N".

1. Noodles - especially asian noodles, like chow mein and pad thai. I love them more than they love me, though.

2. Nekkidness - my preferred state, though the cats don't care for it. They prefer I wear polarfleece.

3. Narcotics - still having some lingering shoulder pain. These help.

4. kNitting - does that count? I'm willing to go with "needlework", since I do multiple types.

5. Nerds - also geeks, dorks, and dweebs. Though I maintain that "windows nerd" is an oxymoron, and that it is the OS of the "popular kids". All the cool computer nerds use a unix variant, I think.

6. Nightgowns - I have a sleepwear fetish. There is no room in my dresser for my "real clothes".

7. Nightshades - Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers, tomatillos.... love 'em all.

8. Norns - the demi-goddesses of destiny, Fate, necessity, and being. An important part of the Norse pantheon, the one that makes the most sense to me.

9. November - it's the essence of fall, its full of holidays, and the month of my father's birth.

10. Nonpareils - chocolate with crunchy bits, what's not to love?

If you want to play, comment - I'll assign you a letter, and you post your list in your own journal!
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