Jan 25, 2005 14:50
**anybody knows you can conjur anything by the dark of the moon**
i'm in a good mood.
did you ever want to beat yourself senseless...out of boredom?
i've wanted to beat myself senseless out of anger, or moodiness, or..hey, you know what? the list goes on so i'll give up on making it any longer. 0.0
but this is the first time i've ever wanted to beat myself senseless out of boredom.
sheer boredom.
obnoxious boredom.
stupid, stupid boredom.
ohhhh yeah...i got glasses today. i think i look like a nerd. pepper thinks i look like one of those hot teachers all the little kids want to screw. everyone else says i look smart. so where does that leave me?
put it all together and i'm a smart nerd with a hankering for teaching and screwing around...with...wait. no. fuck no. that's not right. o.o
ok, new topic... >:D
so today alfonso and keith and pepper came over. i like them. a whole lot. like **love****ahh****look at all the pretty pink hearts**
anyways, i still have love to give and i wanna see people!
so see me.
ok, i'm going. bbye :)
**and this power over me- -not because you feel something- -or don't feel something for me- -but because- -mass- so big- -it could swallow- -swallow- -her whole star intact**