Dec 30, 2010 18:17
Well, even though my dear one had to work on Xmas eve, we still managed to have a fun shopping spree that day - doing our part to boost the retail economy, as my dear one said. He got a real treasure: a source book and cyclopedia of the Chinese Feng Shui "compass" (the chinese name for which currently escapes me). I got a new hard bound reprint of Doreen's "Where Witchcraft Lives" the which I have only ever had in photocopy, so rare has it been.
And on the coverlet, what should I see but ... the Night Hare! It's as if these things are happening to help me put this identity to bed. To realize just how widely known it always was, and how we never held a name that might not be overused elsewhere. It still feels wrong to continue using it, but that's for different reasons now, I suppose. More personal. But Doreen has an entire chapter devoted to Witches, Hares and the Moon. Hah. Obviously a one-time traditional idea that has escaped the ... hat!
Reading has been a rediscovered pleasure as I've made my way reacquainting myself with this text, and another on Tibetan Treasure Texts by Andreas Doctor. Both are classics of their genre, and I keep reminding myself that perhaps an investment in fitness might make the waking hours longer, and thus able to hold more experience. As it is, sleepiness sets in at about 9pm, which is all of 3 hours after my return from work in the late afternoon. Multi-vitamin gel-caps have seen an improvement for both dear one and me. I can imagine that beginning a treadmill walking regimen that will eventually both increase stamina and reduce excess weight might increase wakefulness in the evenings. Mornings are truly not *my* time of the day, as I just can't stomach coffee in the morning, the only hope of kick-starting this sluggish body.
I've been enjoying renewed phone contact with S, as she begins to wind down after a very busy teaching schedule, and move into a well earned sabbatical. I wonder if she'll be doing something Sabbatic during her sabbatical?... What say you, S?
Working for the Eve of the new year tomorrow. Ostensibly perfectly voluntary, and yet when a head pops up to say "uh, I'd rather not," well, then even They are now coming in, at least until mid afternoon. All the same to me, as I need the extra monies, since I don't get overtime. It's all just straight time for the temp on the team. Argh.
And now the lovely meal from our local Chinese establishment is almost here. I look forward to my dish, Happy Family, with its scallops and prawns. Mmmmm.
Good New Year!