Mar 22, 2004 20:58
It find it fascinating how people think of the things they do. We are so original...yet just a bunch of neurons firing around. How can I just sit here and think of a haiku or a random picture? It's amazing to me how we work.
You know, sometimes, I just don't know who I am. I don't know what I'm doing. I tried to take a personality survey. But I have no idea what characterizes me. Here's an example: Spontaneous Sure Scheduled Shy. I don't think I'm shy, but I have to pick from the other three. That's like picking between three types of chocolate ice-cream. I honestly can't answer which one. I mean, my behavior is so varied that I can't characterize myself. That just angers me.
My parents and I had a heated debate last night. Since I'm a guy, I don't cry...I work out (from Startsky and Hutch). Although I couldn't cry, it was very emotionally disturbing. We debated about commitments. Appearantly I have none and therefore am doomed for my entire life. I disagree. I believe I haven't found what exactly I'm looking for. I'm sorry if I dont want to do sports in college. Maybe I can find other things to be commited to. Yet, my parents believe that being super commited to something is going to help me. Wrong. It's going to piss me off. For some reason, things that take up tons of my time make me feel controlled and chained. I can't help it. I hate it. I can stand crew now that it's 3 days a week and we're winning. However, I have yet to find something that I'm totally in love with and always want to do. Middle school is probably the closest, but I just don't know.
I'm totally indecisive and totally stranded.