Dear Santa

Dec 14, 2010 08:14

Well Santa, it's that time of year again. When you worry your hard-working noggin' over what to buy folks for Christmas. I know it's a tough time of year for you and you often want to just run to the store at the last minute and just pick up anything that comes to your eye. Because we know the LAST thing you want to be doing is shopping.

I'll be honest, I don't really want much this year so I'll make it easy on you. I've put together a little list of a few things I need. Not being as extravagant I have in years past, these are just few things that would make my life much easier or comforting throughout the year.

1. Kitchen Timer - I've been a bad girl and set my plastic one on the toaster oven one too many times. Not because I wanted to, mind you, we just live in a small space and often times the toaster oven is the only place to set things out of the way. And my poor timer is beginning to look like a Salvador Dali painting. While looking around, I found a few that might do me better. Sticking it to the fridge would put it out of the way and no longer in danger of melting.
Here's a cool retro non-digital one that's pretty cool
And here's a digital one that is smaller and easily picked up at K-Mart (not that I'm a fan of K-Mart, but it's inexpensive and would do the job just fine).

2. Now, I know this is going to sound strange, but I used to have a flannel nightgown, when I was in high school, that was one of my favorite things of all time. It was like a warm, cozy hug.

I suppose, if you think about it, flannel nightgowns were the pre-cursor to Snuggies, in a way. Like wearing a blanket around the house. I miss my flannel nightgown and have for many years. I do have a few nightgowns already, but all of them are short, thin and made for summer. Honestly, I'm really not picky, so any of these would do (Although, I would prefer a floor length one).

3. Shape up Tennis shoes. I'm ready to start back on my walking regiment and my poor New Balance Tennies have seen better days. So, IF I'm going to get a new pair of shoes, I'd like for them to be toning shoes. I'm not a big fan of black or colors, so something close to white would be great. I wear an 8 1/2.

4. I'm a baker. I make a lot of cookies and things that require a baking sheet. I have one of these badass Airbake sheets and could REALLY use another. It would cut my baking time in half.

5. Since my illness last year and my inability to move around much (due to meds) I've gained some weight. Yes, I know most women don't like to talk about this sort of thing, but it's a fact. And I have a closet full of clothes that I cannot currently wear. So Santa, I'd like a few new pieces of clothing. Not much, just a few new blouses and shirts, maybe another pair of jeans - just clothes I can wear until I get back down to my "fighting" weight and can actually USE the clothes in my closet.

6. This is going to be a toughie but, I know you can do it, Santa. It's a 2-parter wish. My brother is currently incarcerated for wrong doings associated with his disease of addiction. I wish, more than anything, that he gets with the program and stays clean. I think, if he does, he'll be a better father, a better inmate (which might allow an early release) and most of all, a better person. I miss him so much and I know his kids do too. I'm sending my Christmas wish to you, Santa, that you'll give him the strength to stay clean and follow the program to the best of his abilities.

Ok, that's it.

A tall list, I know.

I don't have to have them all, but that last one would make my year.

timer, christmas wish, brother, santa, nightgown, list

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