I've got Yoshiki and Toshiya in my panties 24/7

Aug 14, 2004 19:44

~~The saga of Shinya-the-kitty and Suzi's confession~~

Last night, after beating almost all of Suzi's high scores in Wario World as she looked through her older lj entries I was shown the depths of her utter betrayal. How, you ask? Oh, it was long ago, way way in the distant past of 1 year ago, during the Dark Times, as Suzi was first discovering Dir en grey. As it so happens and as it turns out, Suzi had turned her eyes to my precious Kyo. YES! Disbelieve not, for it is truth!! I don't believe it lasted long oh, but it was there and it was brief. Oddly enough, I allowed, in a way, her to do it because... I dunno why. But anyway, soon after, Toshiya came into the picture and all was right in the world. I really don't want to claw Suzi's eyes out but Kyo is mine, I'm dreadfully sorry but he just is. I know there are annoying fangirls who might attempt to disagree but rest assured, you are ugly and stupid and don't stand a snowball's chance in Mt Doom. Nya nya nya.

The other interesting thing about today, other than seeing AVP (yeah, I'm cool like that suckas), is the little bundle of fur asleep in the other room. Little and cute and precious and skin and bones. Suzi opened the window for Gizzie and saw a kitten just chilling out on the tree. So, naturally, we had to go feed it. It was STARVING and so thin just like Shinya from Dir en grey and hence the kitty was named Shinya in honor of cool skinny drummers. However, problems arose when Gizzie was all like, "bitch please" and Shinya was like, "oh no you didn't" and so they were seperated. On Monday Shinya might be going to the animal shelter (noooo!!!) but Suzi and I are hoping that a)Gizzie will stop being to territorial and growlly, and b)that Suzi's mom will fall in love with cute little Shinya thereby preventing a trip to the mean and cold and awful animal place.

Also, I want my own place. I know this is an old complaint but I'm hella jealous of Suzi's house - granted her mom is here occasionally but still. I want my own house that I can paint and decorate with my toys and posters and other assorted sundry. Pouty pout pout.

Oh and concerning UofL, see, I dropped to part time on account of them cutting my aid - I couldn't afford full time. So I HAD to drop to part time because of UofHell's retardation and they decide to punish me for that again. As it is I can barely afford part time. Goddamn I hate that fucking school and I hope it burns to the ground in a giant ball of flames leaving only a pile of rotting, charred remains. Or, I hope that I win the lottery next week. Either way, it's win-win.
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