Whilst browsing around the other day to see if the final Opus strips were in book format yet, I discovered this and peed myself:
The old Bloom County books were missing more than half the strips because Berke or the publishers thought they sucked, or perhaps for some other nebulous reasons, but they're now reprinting every single strip that ever existed (some had to be resurrected from old yellowing newspapers because the author had hated and destroyed the originals, and thus the print quality of some of them is low) and I'm finally reading them for the first time since the original newspaper run.
I remember cutting out some of the strips from the newspaper (some of them became bookmarks) and later being pissed because some of the ones I clipped never appeared in the books. Like the series where the elderly couple goes to Florida and winds up on the space shuttle; as a kid in the 80's I thought it would be neat to cut out every episode of that particular adventure and tape them together to form one long comic, and I'm finally reading it again for the first time since my mom threw it away.