(no subject)

Jul 17, 2007 10:05

My family and me went to visit to my aunt to La Serena yesterday, our relationship with her is bad, but we went cause supposedly she`d buy half of house that for inheritance corresponds to my dad, however she said that right now haven`t money >.< damn it! I`m the most interested that house get sold out!!...If my dad would sell the house my mom promise give me all the money that I need for go to see to Diru ;_; Could you realize now why this is so important for me??! If my aunt don`t buy I`ll DIE x_X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I talked with her, and she promised me search for a credit in a bank but she didn`t looked so convincing for me .______________.

Later we went to Coquimbo a city closer to La Serena for breath something of fresh air…I think BTW I got a cold AGAIN!!!!!!!!! My throat hurts x_x

This is my dad(is sooooooooo old) and my brother Sergio

Me reading the newspaper

A fish......

My mom and my dad....

This is my brother Renzo, we always are together, is like my fave bro

All the family....well there`s not my old sister ><

My bro again

Did I mentioned that my bro is crazy?!

Sergio and me

And Renzo...

Eres mi regalón de la sub 20 desde que empezó el campeonato (cuando jugaste de defensa contra Canadá) y lo que hiciste el Domingo cabro fue MONUMENTAL!!!!! Ya hacía ratito que merecías anotar algún gol, y por fin lo lograste y por partida doble… esto va a sonar mas que cursi pero me hiciste muy pero muy re FELIZ^^ el domingo♥
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