Is over!!!!!, I`m not hanging out Elliot anymore, Last night Tammy,Elliot,Lupe and me go out to dance and to the Karaoke and well I realized Lupe likes Elliot...-.-....wasn`t necessary she said it, I simply notice it, at the beggining when we meet at the square, they was discussing a lot, then we walked to the karaoke and there Elliot wants to sit next to me but she got sitting between us><...later like 03:00am Elliot and me was talking about games,music and linux etc, and Lupe look at us so SAD too sad than Elliot approach to her embraced her;.; I think they like each other, Lupe is so nice girl so I won`t continue hanging out them. And I`ve thought celebrate my birthday with them ><.
I found this pic Totchi and Shinya eating to Die....It looks crappy cause I haven`t photoshop so I did it on paint
Oh and look this fucking lucky guy!!!