Nov 24, 2005 02:03
What is the measure between success and failure when it comes to ones life?
What is it that drives us?
What is our greater purpose?
After 23 years of living I’ve realized that I can’t even begin to answer any of these questions about myself. I’ve been wondering these things for some time now, When I was younger, I knew that I had no plan for my life, in fact I spent the greater portion of my first 18 years avoiding anything that could even come close to being called a life. Since then I’ve entered the “real world”, I spend the first few years of my new life trying to make up for the experiences and social interaction I missed in high school .
I can honestly say I’ve fucked up on a large portion of the 4 years that followed my emergence into the “real world”, however since I was trying to reclaim my high school years, I guess that’s all part of the plan. I’m really trying to figure out what I’m trying to do with my life. Have I become wasted potential? Does that term really have any relevance?
What I’d like to know from anyone who may at times read the crap that I routinely post here is:
If you had to pick one, would you say your driven by; Fame, Money, Family, Love or Art?
What do you want to do with your life?
What do you use to gauge your own success?