The Lurgy Strikes Back...

May 17, 2010 16:45

Still not kingdead, still sick, though.

Went to see my GP yesterday, managed to talk him out of listing me unfit for work until Wednesday, but had to settle for two days off of work. Which, as it happens, is a good thing.

Whilst I'm not ZOMGILL!!!1! any more (that would be Sunday,) I am still ill, and I still have barely any voice. I woke up this afternoon at around 1pm-ish, pinned down by both kitties again.

I suspect that had less to do with my ongoing illness than the fact that there was a bright beam of sunlight streaming across my bed, though. ;)

Planning on going back to work tomorrow, voice or not, as 1) I really need the $$$, and 2) I spoke with my manager yesterday and basically arranged to not take calls if needed. So far, new manager is not bad at all. I just hope I have some sick leave accrued 'cause the very last thing I need right now is to have less pay coming in at the end of this week.

In other, also less-than-wonderful news, it seems that after a wonderful six months or so without any real appearances from my chronic pain, it's starting to make itself known again. Despite the fact that I have not missed any medication, which is disquieting to say the least. Especially since I'm already on the highest therapeutic dosage of my current medication, which means that the next thing to try would be changing over to gabapentin, which is a tad more difficult to obtain. For values of 'more difficult' that include 'only available via hospital dispensary', or so I have been informed.

On the bright side, even when it is making an appearance lately it's much milder than it used to be, and I did get at least six months free of it as well. Worries about the future of this issue can wait for the future.

Hope all y'all are having great times, and those of you who aren't get extra love and hugs.


this is my life, work

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