Nov 26, 2009 12:12
So, last night I was so tired that I crawled into bed at 7pm and promptly fell asleep. Although I did wake up several times through the night, it was never longer than a couple of minutes, and I didn't really wake up/get up until 0930 this morning.
Now it's just after midday, and I'm already nodding off again. I'd go take a nap, but a) surely 14 hours should be enough, and b) I have an appointment to see my GP in less than three (<3) hours to discuss the little troubles I've been having with my meds lately, so it's kinda important that I make that.
In computer 'news' my gaming rig is still horrifyingly infected/infectious, and the old comp is fine for browsing/chatting, but really doesn't cut it as a gaming rig. It noticeably chugs if I try to run Diablo II without closing down Firefox/IE/pidgin, which I am loath to do. But after even a 6-hour shift on the phones, any attempt to rectify this quandary results in "Not enough manna./I need manna." Hopefully I can recover some over the weekend, or at least find a helpful shrine.[/nerd]
Speaking of the weekend, I'm finding it increasingly unlikely I'll make it to Dr SQBR's birthday on Saturday. (Note to self: TOMORROW IS FRIDAY, NOT SATURDAY, GUMBY!) Which is a shame, as I'd really like to make it, both to wish them a hippo birdy, and 'cause it'd really nice to get out of the house without going to work. *woe*
(I'm also suddenly longing for a netbook so I can sit in bed and still browse teh intarwebz, but I can't possibly justify the cost right now.)
Anyhow, hope all y'all are having an awesome time, and I think I'll now go back to sleephave some lunch.
this is my life,