So, plans for today included catching up with Kz to chat, housework and laundry. Unfortunately, Kz has The Dreaded Lurgy™, so that got back-burnered, first load of laundry is in the machine, but I need to go out tomorrow to get more laundry detergent before I can do any more, and the vacuuming I've put off 'til tomorrow (mañana) in favour of sleeping in a bunch, cuddling with the kitties and watching assorted animation.
I finally managed to watch the completed
'There she is!!' series on animations on and they are wonderful. Saved a copy of each onto the computer for gloomy days when I feel like something small, adorable and uplifting. If you haven't seen this stuff (You may have heard of it as Rabbit Loves Cat,) then check it out. Cute and whimsical, but there's a serious theme behind it.
I also managed to finish watching
Natsume Yūjinchō (Natsume's Book of Friends) season one, whilst snuggling with one or other of the fuzzballs. Again, whimsical but with serious undertones. If you are an anime fan, I really recommend this series. (Purring-cuddle-cat an optional extra.)
It's not *really* Winter yet, and it's certainly far too warm during the day for Winter, but the quality of the light and length of the day makes it feel pleasantly Wintery and promotes peaceful ponderings with purry pets. ^-^
And now I'm off to start on the second season of Natsume and friends. Any of the anime fans on my list, let me know if you want a copy at all.