It's been a day for small pleasures it seems. On the bus in to work this morning I found myself gazing out the window at one point, watching a Water-chicken (that'd be a
Moorhen to most folks) with a fuzzy little youngling alongside. Every so often the adult would move on a bit, or dive and resurface a bit further away, and each time the baby would hurriedly scuttle across the water to be alongside again. A simple, everyday scene, yet it brightened my day.
On the walk from the bus-stop to the store, I found a feather, most likely a raven's. It's in pretty good condition, and has the most amazing shimmer from black to deepest blue as the light shifts over it. I'll stick it up on the bookshelf with the others when I get home.
And then I cam across
this strip, and was blown away.
It's been a good day, full of the small pleasures that lift the soul out of the workday grind.