Advent Calendar, Day 22

Dec 23, 2024 01:41

It's a tall, thin window in the church.

Me: This is the one I've been thinking would be a Christmas tree.
Austin: Hm... who is the choir singing to? [He's referring to the children singing in a nearby church window.]
Me: You think the two windows are going to connect?
Austin: That hasn't happened so far, though.
Me: Well I'm saying Christmas tree.
Austin: I'm going to go with a person. I don't know what they're doing, but I think the choir is singing to them.
Me: Just "a person"?
Austin: Yes.
Me: Well if you're OK with a dirty victory...

Austin: Congratulations!
Me: What? It's not a whole tree, it doesn't count.
Austin: I guess not.
Me: It was closer than yours though.
Austin: A lot closer.

advent calendar

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