Apr 30, 2010 10:38
Most of my research either makes me bored or angry. But sometimes, very occasionally, you find something that just has to be shared.
J.D. Rollerston. "The Folk-Lore of Venereal Disease", British Journal of Venereal Disease, Vol 19, No 1-2, Jan 1942, p 12
Folk-lore remedies (as in, not recommended by medical professionals) specifically pertaining to the treatment of gonorrhea:
"Miscellaneous remedies include administration of chalk internally in half a litre of brandy several times a day, drinking of his urine by the patient in the morning on an empty stomach, irrigation of the urethra with a solution of calcium chloride or milk and insertion of the wood of the Jieo tree into the urethra by the Somalis. In the Olonetz government of Russia cotton wool wrapped around a wire and smeared with an ointment consisting of fat and blue votroil is introduced into the urethra several times a day. In the Palatinate the penis is laid on the corner of a table and struck with the fist with the result that profuse hemorrhage takes place followed by transient improvement".
Thankfully penicillin came in two years after this was published.