Title: Happy Birthday, Ino-chan
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino
Pairing: InoSaku
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG13
Summary: Sakura wants Ino to have a special birthday.
Notes: Written in celebration of Ino's birthday. I'm pretty sure the clock beat me by a nose, but it's still the twenty-third somewhere, right? Rated for implied sexual situations. Characters assumed to be of or above the age of consent.
Sakura is covered only in the loosest sense of the word by a long silk ribbon, red as sin. It crisscrosses her chest, hiding her breasts but not her hardened nipples. From a strategically-placed bow a gift tag dangles; it’s a full minute before Ino recognizes her own name between Sakura’s spread thighs.
Looking above Sakura’s neck for the first time since walking into the room, Ino drinks in the flush face and full, red lower lip. The effect is no less appealing for its lack of intention.
Closing the door behind her, Ino moves to unwrap her present.