
Oct 16, 2015 13:28

Title: You Feel Good
Fandom: ThunderCats
Characters: Pumyra, Cheetara
Ship: Pumyra/Cheetara
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Cheetara feels less than great after a misstep- or, well, that’s her opinion, at least.
A/N: This is another ship I almost decided against doing for Femslash February due to trouble wrapping words around a small snippet of an idea. Also another one I was iffy about because I haven’t done a proper watch of the show in… wow, I feel old. Anyway, I went for it, so I hope someone gets a grin out of this.

“I feel every bit a fool,” Cheetara sighs as she leans back in bed, her injured leg stretched out before her.

“Oh?” says Pumyra. She carefully prods Cheetara’s swollen ankle. “How strange… To me, you feel like someone exhausted who misstepped in a stressful moment- and who managed to win the day regardless.”

Favoring Pumyra with a tired smile, Cheetara asks, “Is that your professional diagnosis?”

“Oh, yes,” Pumyra assures her, taking up her supplies to tend the wound. She ghosts one hand along Cheetara’s calf then back again and adds, grinning, “My personal opinion would be something else altogether.”

genre: general, genre: romance, fandom: thundercats, genre: hurt/comfort

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