I got my hair cut tonight! It's so adorable and I love it! If I had a digital camera I could be cool and post pictures. But I don't. So you'll just have to imagine it. It's pretty short, far too short to put in a ponytail like I'm used to. It's not as curly as I expected it to turn out (but that may change after I wash it a few times). It's just super cute. I feel all cute, though very different...my head feels so much lighter. This morning in the shower it was weird to think that it would be the last time for quite awhile of shampooing long hair and ending up with huge hairballs in the drain. I feel good about it though. It's a nice change. And because I'm a good person (or at least I try sometimes) I kept a big long chunk that I am going to send to
Locks of Love. Because, if I may say so myself, my long hair was pretty gorgeous. And it makes me feel good to know that someone else can benefit from it too.