People are such total crap..
I've been finding this whole thing about "GTA San Andreas" rather amusing, though very stupid as well. People are acting as though this is the first game to ever have unofficial mods. I downloaded a video of the new content in question, and it's pretty lame. The girl is naked but the guy isn't, and it looks like old code to me because it's kind of blocky. But maybe that was just the downloaded video. Anyway, as for that article up there, it should be obvious what I find retarded about it....Lady sues game manufacturer because game has hidden sex that can be revealed with an unofficial mod. Ok, but the game was already rated "M" for violence and oh, maybe SEX too. Games rated "M" are for ages 17 and up, it says that right on the box. But this lady bought an "M" rated game for her 14 year old grandson. All the violence in GTA is obviously ok for the 14 year old, as well as the "adult language" and the picking up of prostitutes and other fun stuff GTA has to offer. But oh, heavens! Now there's a genitalia-free sex scene! Children must not be exposed to this sort of horrible filth! "South Park" had it right: "Horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty woids." Or as it really is in America, kids can see as much graphic violence as they want, and of course it won't fuck them up, but we have to shield them from any possible mention or depiction of sex because sex is WRONG! Grrr. Alright I'm done now.