Not really into that paring stuff but couldn't help it... XD
UEPI: Ne, Kame-chan, now that Jinjin is not around... what do you think about going to the Lavender Fields?
KAME: Hummm...
JUNNO: Eh?? O____O
MARU: Oh, yes!! We went there already and it was so much fun! It would be even more with all of us and...
UEPI: Actually I was thinking about only me and Kame...
MARU: Why? It would be...
KOKI: Maru, how can you be so naive??? hahaha...
MARU: Ore?
JUNNO: ...
UEPI: Ne, Kame... what do you think?
KAME: Sounds like a good idea but... what about Junno?
JUNNO: hunf... >_<
Silly, ne??