random stuff about my bias

Feb 19, 2013 21:21

Currently flailing over this like there's no tomorrow...

Thanks to my sweet friend xlovewar who gave me this uchiwa (btw, my first oficial uchiwa) I've been drooling all over my table since two weeks ago. And I can't do my work properly without stopping and staring for at least a couple of minutes every now and then...
Hubby isn't very happy though... he says: "hey, get this guy out of there! he's starring at me!" xD
Now all I need is a concert!! I already have my Massu uchiwa!!

Another thing is that I've watched Ustukon (about 3 times already) and can't help flailing like crazy over all the member-ai... In EVERY part of it! Not only during the concert but in the documentary too. And that's the moment I remember why I love these guys so much...

credit: http://black-coats.tumblr.com/
How adorable is this?? A special cake for a special leader!!

credit: http://black-coats.tumblr.com/

And I can't help flailing eveytime Shige gets near Massu for two reasons: Shige is my fandom BFF's bias so we can drool together and it's much more fun; also I'm the same heigh as Shige so I can imagine myself in his place (and notice that I wouldn't be able to lay my head on Massu's shoulder comfortably)... yeah, I'm weird...

Tsuyoi Masuda makes me go crazy too...

credit: http://shibireru.tumblr.com/

Oh Massu... Poor Keii got completely defeated!! xD

And, of course, I'm cracking up with my favourite bratty bro!

credit: http://urusu.tumblr.com/

You don't even need to know what's happening to understand he's up to no good... that little devil!

And that's it for now! Just wanted to post a random flail thing!
Getting ready for lots of flailing in Japan!!!!!! effi_g, get ready for me!!!

kato shigeaki, tegoshi yuya, news, koyama keiichiro, masuda takahisa

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