Ok!! So I was dying for more colour on my journal!
I didn't want to leave my bunnies and my otouto and all my adorable gifs!
However... I NEEDED more colour here!!
SO I decided changing everything... AGAIN!! >.<
I'll miss my buns on the header... but otouto is still there! Yay! \o/
Besides I can have colourful otouto, Shige, Massu and Keii-chan!!!!!
I doesn't mean I don't love KAT-TUN anymore or that Yucchi is not my ichiban anymore...
NEVER!!! I will always love KAT-TUN and Nakamaru Yuichi will always be my precious one!
It's just that I wanted a colourful header and this pic was perfect for it and I miss NEWS a lot....
I hope
kuramachan5 will not be sad with me...
I loved her drawing and it was an adorable header but I needed to change it!
Anyways, it was just a random post about random stuff...
Oh! And I screwed my tags list... will try fixing it later.