Shige Pimp Post or Why is the world conspiring for me to love Kato Shigeaki

Jan 28, 2011 15:27

 My hubby is all into this "conspirancy theories" stuff. So I think I kinda start to believe such things can be true! There MUST BE a world conspirancy for me to fall in love with Kato Shigeaki. Why? Let me tell you...

This was the first pic I've ever seen of Shige:

Gorgeous, isn't he? Well... actually I was looking for Yamapi's pics when I found this one. I had no idea who was this guy at that time. To be honest I had no idea who where a lot of JE boys at that time! I only knew Ikuta Toma and Yamapi. So when I saw this pic I was like: "OMG! He's hot! Who's that guy?" But unfortunately, I couldn't read his name on the pic because it's too small... so I ended up forgeting about him...

Time passed, I watched RESCUE and got to know KAT-TUN, then NEWS... You all know who was the group that attracted me the most and who was the guy I fell in love with... ^__^  
I wasn't interested in NEWS at all! My cousin, larinanda already liked NEWS because of Yamapi but I didn't even know the names of the boys! >.< Only Yamapi (again!) and Masuda Takahisa. That was when my cousin introduced me the other members: Tegoshi Yuya, Koyama Keiichiro, Nishikido Ryo and Kato Shigeaki. By that time I was already: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!! So YOU are Kato!!!!" XD Although I found Shige really handsome I was so enthralled with Yucchi and  KAT-TUN that I didn't give him much importance at the moment.

These past few days, strage, or at least intriguing events have been happening...

Last go back to the past, a bit further, at the JE Countdown. You all remeber the sweet Usa-Tegoshi, ne? That was so freaking cute that I almost lost my breath!! But Tego wasn't the only bunny there!

There were two other bunnies!! But I'll make mention only to this special one!!! I always forget that Shige and Tego are the same age!!! >__< 
Tesshi still looks like he's in highschool but Shige looks more like a man to me... Yep... he really caught my eye then! But it was only the begining...

I posted this pic a few weeks ago. My cousin sent me a pic of Tego holding a little bunny. I got all crazy about it and started looking for some HQ scans of that pic. That was when I found this:

"Eeeehh?? Shige with a cute little bunny too???? Awwwwwnnn... <3"
By that time, Shige started getting a little more of my attention... But that wasn't enough for him!! He wanted more! He wanted me to FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM REALLY BAD! *__*

That's when the "strange" happenings occourred...

This week, jarithka posted a batch of NEWS icons, including the one I'm using right now. I was comletely amazed with the "dirty" Shige icons!!! *________*  I asked  her about the originals she used and she shared with me inala 's scans of "Konnan Yatte Mimashita". My heart skiped some beats with those:

And I almost had a HEART ATTACK with this one......

I was like: "OMFG!!!!!!!!!! What is this man doing to me???????"
Sorry for my dirty language now but... How fucking sexy can this guy be with his face all covered in jelly??? And how fucking sick can my mind be to think that is so DAMN HOT???

*pause to breath*

Ok, then, when looking at my f-page I found this post of kuramachan5 ... An adorableTegoShige fanart!! *__________*
And and and her journal's new header... Shige... covered in PAINT!!! 8(>//////////<)8

*pause to breath again*

But Shige wasn't happy enough... No... he wanted MORE!!! So I was looking for some other stuff in youtube (actually I don't remember what but WASN'T looking for these) and bumped into these:

image Click to view

*nose bleed*

image Click to view

*hard nosebleed! needs a doctor*

image Click to view

*dead bunny...*

OK, OK, Shige!! Got your message!!! Please stop killing me with all of these!!!!! >/////<

Me and my sweet friend chuckles0505 always like to flail over our ichiban, Nakamaru Yuichi, but this last time she PM me, there were some SHIGE videos she wanted to share with me!!! WHY, SHIGE, WHY???? Why do you want me to fall in love with you????? >///<

To end this whole story, after being bombed with so much Shige stuff, I'm officially annoucing that he's my ichiban in NEWS and my niban in JE!!! I could go on forever in this post, but I think you already must be tired of this bunny flailing all over this handsome, talented, intelligent, nice, charming and persistant man! XD~

Oh!! And I can't forget the MOST IMPORTANT THING:

HE IS A BUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

Love you Shige!! <3333333333333

scans: inala 
screencap: chuckles0505 
videos: dunno! ^_^"

For inala's Shige Pamphlet scans >>> here!

*please do not take ANY of these pics without permission!!

kato shigeaki

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