Changed my layout... again! >.<
Guess I don't like brown very much... Got tired of the colour very quickly!!! O_O
Was looking for a new one in
okimiyage and found this blue one with those gorgeous boys!!! How could I resist to Nakamaru Yuichi and Masuda Takahisa in the same banner???? NO WAY!! So I got this layout!!! ^___^
Although... it's not what I wanted...
You may say: "Eh?? Not what you wanted??? You have your ichiban from KAT-TUN (and all JE boys) and part of your ichiban from NEWS and it's NOT what you want??? WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT??"
I'd say: "BUNNIES!!"
Don't know if you ever noticed but the title of my journal is: "Into the rabbit hole". And... there's no rabbit in here!!! >__<
Ok, the phrase was just a reference to "Alice in Wonderland"... But you all know how I love bunnies and cupcakes as well!!
You may also say there is cute UsaTego gif on the side bar... I know!! And I love it!!!!! But I wanted more!!!
Ok... I wanted THESE on my layout!
What a really brilliant discovery was this!!! NEWS and bunnies!!! I already posted Tego and the bunny before but I also had Massu and Shige here... KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Are they trying to kill me??? 8(>///<)8
The problem is... THERE'S NO YUCCHI HERE!!!!! How can I have a journal without my beloved one image on it????
You see? I'm living a dilema!! >_________< as if it were the biggest problem in my life
*feeling depressed*
Nyaaa!! That's what I needed!! A TegoHug!!! ^___^
Sorry for all the nonsense blabbing... It's the vacation effect!! I need to go back to work! XDD