meme - 30 days kat-tun challenge - day 30

Jan 03, 2011 01:03


I'm overjoyed that I could make it till the end!! Usually I quit this kind of thing after 4 of 5 days... That's why I never made a KAT-TUN doujinshi! Because I won't finish it!! Garantee!! >.<

Well, so let's move on to todays post...

day 30 - whatever tickles your fancy

Again I have a free theme ( Read more... )


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sparklymonster January 8 2011, 02:07:15 UTC

I've never really like Kame's or Taguchi's hands. They're more rough and more manly. Taguchi has knobby fingers. And rough cuticles, holy. :O He might need a manicure. XD I really like the look of smooth hands~

I know this is kind of weird, but one of the reasons I like Jin's hands is because he has that dark scar on his left hand. *o* It gives his hands ~*^*~personality~*^*~
*is shot*

I like Koki's hands!! Especially his fingernails!! XD My gosh, same here!! His hands are tiny compared to others, but its his fingernails that are awesome!

And I know this may be more weird, but I LOVE the fact that Ueda's hands have blisters and scraps on them! :DDD It's so... lovely. His hands are amazing, they really are^^ They long, but really thin. They look quite delicate and gentle, but when you realize he boxes, it's like WHOA. They're just so amazing ;_______: ♥

Omg Yucchi's hands Yucchi's hands Yucchi's hands. I can go on and on about them. THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL. *____* I can't even. ♥ ♥ ♥ *is dead*

Is it only the older ones that have the hairiest knuckles? XD

Thank you so much for this post, sweetie. ;A; *loves you forever*


bunny_alice January 8 2011, 19:48:38 UTC
Hurray!! You finally came!! \o/
I was thinking you didn't get my message... ;_;
But now I'm really glad to read your comment!! :D

Yep, Kame and Taguchi are definitely the last ones for me... And Kame's hands look like my dad's hands! >.<

I noticed that scar on Jin's hand a few days ago... Where does it come from? I though he had burned himself with something like a cigarette lighter (that ones in the car)!! XD

Koki's fingernails are the best!! My inspiration!! XDD

I think it's a sin to have blisters on such adorable hands... T__T But since there is a fangirl that finds it lovely, let's say it's there to reminds us that despite of his pretty look, he's still a tough man!! ;D

Yucchi's hands do need any further comment...

Oh, the hairy knuckles... ♥______♥
I must say that I'm crazy over Yucchi's hairy hands and arms... ♥♥♥♥♥

I'm so glad you loved the post!!! ^_____^
Thank you for all teh sweet words!!


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