Mar 15, 2010 22:38

Author: attilatehbun
Fandom: Young Avngers
Pairing/Characters: Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman
Rating: PG-13 (for implications)
Word Count: 500 exactly
Contains: italics abuse
Author's Notes: Dangit Squeak


There are times when Teddy is disturbingly like a human octopus.

Or-- not a human octopus, obviously, because of the whole alien thing, which in and of itself tends to bring up other questions like could Teddy actually be an octopus if he wanted to and where would the rest of his mass go and so many arms, would they-- and is this really a line of thought you want to be having Billy, holy crap shut up.

So, ohmygod, going with the "human" octopus because it is still perfectly valid and so much less disturbing and yes. That. That is the analogy Billy is using today. Teddy is disturbingly like a human octopus.

Not, like, all the time. But he certainly does it enough of the time for it to be considered a character trait. He goes all arms and legs that seem longer than they really have any right to be (and sometimes are, what with the stretching) and most of the time Billy doesn't mind it. He even kind of likes it, because there are times when that sort of thing is not merely appropriate but in fact very distinctly good.

This? This is not one of those times. It was one of those times (afterglow is pretty much number one on the appropriate/very distinctly good times list) but it kind of ceased to be at the point when Billy actually kind of needed to actually get out of bed, because his computer is over there and Teddy's arms would not come unattached from around his waist.

Sometimes super-strength is a major pain in the ass.

Really, it's not like Billy wants to get out of bed. He kind of likes bed a lot, especially when it's already occupied by a person of the Teddy persuasion. But he kind of has a paper that has to has to has to be finished, and-- fuck but it's hard to care about that when Teddy is being all warm with his octopus arms and burying his face in Billy's lower back and whining noooooooooo like a big affectionate puppy.

And...that's enough with the animal comparisons for one day, okay? Okay.

Tugging at the arms is useless. So Billy is left with nothing but poking rather helplessly at Teddy's head and muttering various iterations of please and c'mooooon and just for a second that do nothing at all. And of course, absolutely not not not being charmed by Teddy's nuzzling. Because Billy is irritated and has things to do.


Finally, one of Billy's annoyed Teddy's must sound particularly more annoyed than the rest because Teddy sort of huffs against Billy's spine and says just magic it over here already, I'm not letting go. At that, Billy feels kind of stupid for not thinking of it, but mostly absurdly fond.

Even though it turns out that it's actually pretty difficult to type with Teddy doing his octopus limb thing, arms and legs all twine-y and chin digging into the points of Billy's shoulders, Billy finds that he doesn't really care.


character:billy.kaplan, fandom:comics, fandom:young avengers, genre:comment fic, title:cephalopods, ficlet, genre:fluff, 2010, ficlet:young avengers, genre:slash, character:teddy.altman, ship:billy/teddy

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