Drabble Collective :: (Drabble Tree) Crookshanks, Ron, Rose

Jun 16, 2008 15:57

Title: Bollocks
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Nothing (HP Drabble Tree)
Initial Posting: 5.9.08
Pairing/Characters: Ron, Rose, implied Rose/Scorpius
Word Count: <350


"Nothing is wrong!"

"Rosie-" The rest of Ron's words were cut off as the door slammed in his face.

"Yeah, got it, don't know why I thought there was anything wrong," he said under his breath.

"Rosie. Open the door please."

"Go away, Dad."

Ron's head thunked against the door.


"Go away!" she shrieked. A second later Ron heard the unmistakable whumpff of a pillow hitting the inside of the door.

"Rosie," he said again, this time with a hint of warning in his voice.

"James is an arse!" came the unexpected reply.

Tell me something we don't all know already, he thought, but Hermione-in-his-head stopped him before he said the words out loud. "Rose, can I please come in?"

Rose didn't answer, but Ron heard a loud snuffle, so he decided to press his luck and open the door. He sighed at the sight of his daughter's blotchy, tear-stained face.

"What did he do?" he asked, sitting on the floor next to her.

Rose rubbed at her eyes. "He's just so full of shite, Daddy."

Ron laughed and squeezed her shoulder. "If he's so full of shite, they why are you letting him get to you?"

"I don't know," she said, plucking at the edges of the rug, "Sometimes the things he says sting anyway."

Ron waited for the rest.

"I mean, I know everyone thinks it, I can see it in their ugly faces, and if I didn't think it would get Mum mad I'd hex them all, but James is the only arsehole who actually says it. Right to our faces."

Rose clenched her fists. "It's just stupid and bigoted and Merlin it makes me so angry. And you'd think James would know better than to say something like that, wouldn't you? 'Cause of Uncle Harry?"

"What did he say?"

"He didn't just say it, he sneered it, and Scorpius was right there, and bloody James, he comes right up to us and says that Weasleys are too good to go with Malfoys, which is just rubbish and..."

But Ron didn't hear the rest. All the color had drained out of his face. Malfoys? Go with? Scorpius?



Title: Blackout
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: none(HP Drabble Tree)
Initial Posting: 6.11.08
Pairing/Characters: Crookshanks, Ron
Word Count: ~100




"Yeah, Crookshanks. I know you don't need it. But, y'see, humans need light to see by."


"Well, good for you, mate, but--"


"Ow! Bloody table, why'd Hermione put it there?"


"That's right, laugh it up. If I could only see you-- ouch!"




"Crookshanks, you know? Your mum is completely mental. I've always said it, and it's never been more true than now. Sweet Merlin, electricity? Electricity? What was she thinking? What was I thinking?"


"And she's not even here to have to deal with it."


"I know. I know."


"And she hid the effing candles. Fantastic."


genre:humor, character:crookshanks, ship:rose/scorpius, character:rose.weasley, drabble:hp, drabble, fandom:hp, drabble tree, character:ron.weasley, genre:gen, 2008

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