Drabble | Comment pRon (11) - Attention

Apr 16, 2008 12:38

Title: Attention
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Inattentive!Ron (for dumblydore)
Initially Posted: 4.1.08
Pairing/Characters: Ron/Hermione
Word Count: 400+


"Ron. Ron!"

Ron opened his eyes and looked down his body to where Hermione was kneeling, scowling, and obviously quite irritated with him.

Ron assumed she was speaking, as her mouth was moving, and she was gesturing angrily, but he couldn't hear a thing. Maybe if he couldn't hear it, it meant it wasn't happening, so he closed his eyes in blissful denial and lay back against the headboard.

He might not have been able to hear it, but he certainly felt the smack when her hand connected with his bare stomach. He jerked up onto his elbows and yanked the headphones from his ears.

"What the hell was that for?"

Hermione tsked and tilted her chin up. "Just be glad I didn't decide to smack anything else," she said and glanced meaningfully downward.

Ron propped himself up on his hands. He was quite angry, and so took no notice of the wonderful things her crossed arms were doing to her naked breasts. He didn't look at all. Because of how angry he was.

"Why are you smacking any part of me?" he said through gritted teeth.

Hermione huffed, which made her breasts bounce invitingly, which Ron continued to deliberately not notice.

"Look, Ron," she said, "I know you're - you're enamored with that thing, and I know we had a deal, but it would be nice if you at least acted like you were paying attention."

Ron opened his mouth to protest, but was only able to voice an inarticulate cry as Hermione suddenly pushed him back down onto the bed, straddled him, and sank down on his cock without any hesitation. The offending iPod clattered to floor unnoticed.

"I mean really," she panted as she began to move, "I know you're proud of yourself, charming it to get Quidditch matches and all," she slapped his hand away as he tried to reach up and cup one of the breasts he hadn't been ogling at all this whole argument, "But honestly - oh, Merlin - you'd think getting thoroughly sucked by your girlfriend - oh - might just take priority."

Ron could only nod, gripping her hips and thrusting helplessly up into her as she rode him faster and faster.

Hermione leaned back on her heels and squeezed around him, smirking when Ron's lower body heaved upwards and he moaned "Oh fuck, how-how are you doing that?"

Her smirk turned into a round "O" of pleasure as Ron's thumb found her clit, but she still had the strength of focus to groan out, "Maybe if you pay attention some more, I'll let you know."


genre:humor, genre:smut, fic, fic:hp, character:hermione.granger, drabble, fandom:hp, character:ron.weasley, genre:p-ron, ship:ron/hermione, 2008, genre:het

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