Ficlet - Comment pRon (5) - Discoveries

Apr 16, 2008 11:18

Title: Discoveries
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Wanking!Ron (for gingeraled)
Initially Posted: 3.25.08
Pairing/Characters: Ron, (implied)Ron/Hermione
Word Count: 700+



You know my parents are early risers, and they decided to go out for breakfast this morning. You looked so cozy that I decided to let you have a bit of a lie-in. I hope you don't mind; we'll be sure to bring you something back. I'm sure you can find something to do to entertain yourself while we're gone. You have my full permission to snoop around my bedroom; I know how curious you are. See you in a little while.


P.S. My old diary is in the 3rd drawer of my dresser. Yes, you are mentioned in it.

Ron slumped back against the pillows. While he wasn't exactly thrilled that they'd gone off and left him, he had to admit it was a bit of a relief. He'd been so awkward meeting Hermione's parents, and he was sure he'd made a fool of himself half a dozen times just over dinner last night. He flushed again at the memory. Yeah, letting him have a lie-in was probably best for all concerned, and gave him some time to collect himself.

He rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, but his mind was suddenly alive with thoughts of being alone in Hermione's bedroom. Hermione's bedroom. Not his and Hermione's cramped bedroom back at their flat, not Hermione's dorm room (though that was another mystery he regretted never getting to explore), but Hermione's bedroom. Hundreds of images suddenly assaulted his brain, and he groaned and covered his face with a pillow.

Sleep was gone and it was not coming back.

Deciding to take Hermione at her word, Ron sat up, stretched, and started nosing around her room. He ignored the bookcases; they were boring. And bare, as she'd squeezed all of her books into their flat, thus making it cramped. The top of her nightstand was equally uninteresting. Just an alarm and a lamp and the book she'd brought with her to read before bed.

But in the drawer, there was something interesting. A long slim tube rested there, under the scant covering of an old jumper. It looked amazingly like- his ears suddenly flushed a violent red.

It looked like the toy she had at home, the one she sometimes let him use on her when they shagged.

He dropped it and sat down heavily on the edge of the bed.

Hermione used that to touch herself here.

All the blood in his body made a mad dash for the center and stalwartly refused to leave.

Hermione would touch herself, in this room. She would come home, and at night, she'd use that on herself to make herself come. In this bed.

Ron was palming his erection through his pajamas before he even realized he was doing it.

Merlin, she would probably lay back with her legs open, and she'd be biting her lip in that way she has, and -god- her hair'd be all spread out over the pillow...

He needed a wank. And fast.

But where to go? If he went to the bathroom, there was always the chance of the whole family coming home and catching him in the halls. Wet from the shower would be bad, but half naked and sporting a massive erection would be worse.

If he stayed here, the only person that might discover him would be Hermione. That wouldn't be bad; maybe he could even convince her to join him.

And it'd be in the bed where she...

His hand was once again one step ahead of him. It was already inside his pajamas, stroking his cock with the long hard pull he favored.

Ron grunted in pleasure and lay back on the bed. He quickly shoved down his pajama bottoms and took himself in hand again. His need was too urgent to savor it long. He spit in his palm and stroked quickly, abandoning the long pulling strokes for short, fast, tight ones. His hips jerked, again and again and again, finally thrusting hard and holding as he came across his stomach with a hoarse shout.

He felt boneless as he reached for his wand for a Scourgify. His tension over last night's embarrassment seemed to have passed. After a moment, he slid back into his pajamas and shrugged on a t-shirt to head to the bathroom and clean up.

Finally relaxed, he wanted to make a better first impression, for Hermione's sake. And maybe later he could show her what he'd found.


genre:smut, fic, fic:hp, fandom:hp, ship:ron/hermione, genre:p-ron, character:ron.weasley, 2008

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