Drabble - Comment pRon (3) - No Use

Apr 16, 2008 10:59

Title: No Use
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Counting-freckles!Ron (for tehgiantsquid)
Initially Posted: 3.25.08
Pairing/Characters: Ron/Draco
Word Count: <200


"It's no use," Ron said, grinning and lightly biting at the other man's hipbone.

"It's no use," Ron said, biting his lip as long fingers stroked over his stomach.

"It's no use," Ron said, gasping and clutching as lips slid slowly over his entire length.

"It's no use," Ron said, grunting and thrusting and gripping narrow hips and a tight arse as he came.

"It's no use denying it," Ron said, panting and collapsing in a heap. "I've seen them."

"No, you have not," the other man said, "Because I haven't any."

"Yes, you do," Ron said. He pulled Draco back down into the bed, curling around his flushed body. "I've even counted them. Six. You have six freckles."

Draco snorted. "Malfoys do not have freckles. We have perfectly pale, unblemished skin, not common things like freckles. Those are reserved for Weasleys."

Ron just laughed. "Maybe you've got more Weasley in you than you thought."

Draco rolled to face him, huffing in indignation. "What do you mean 'more than I thought'? I have never thought-"

Draco stilled as Ron pressed his renewed erection against Draco's hip and kissed him.


genre:smut, fic, character:draco.malfoy, fic:hp, ship:ron/draco, drabble, fandom:hp, character:ron.weasley, genre:p-ron, genre:slash, 2008

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