What is your favorite…
New Company for 2010: Switch! *wields the Scepter of Switch'd Compulsion*
New Male Sculpt for 2010: Switch Hahwa (Dreaming Milhwa)
New Female Sculpt for 2010: nDoll Ami Luna
Limited Edition Fullset for 2010: Lance Cheshire Kitten
BJD Outfit for 2010: Anything morigirl-ish, really.
BJD Shoes for 2010: - (Hadn't kept my eyes on shoes this year.)
Doll “innovation” for 2010: MnM Pan from Pan's Labyrinth / Soome Centaur Body
Free Event Item in 2010: ... ? I hadn't participated in any this year. Oh. Uh. Sugarble's Kitsune Tinies Event (Aiko & Mori).
BJD Event or Contest in 2010: Switch's So Long and Thanks event - Wait. I don't suppose this counts as a 2010 event any longer? Then the Leeke November/December LE Wigs, I s'pose.
BJD Article, Book, Magazine or other Publication in 2010: Volks' Komame no Chokotto Custom Lesson Vol. 3
In 2010, how many…
…doll events did you attend? Zilch. If it's doll meets... Between 5 to 8.
…dolls did you buy? Well. Gee. Gwyne (Lati Red M), So-Nyeon-Gi Milhwa (Kristopfe), Switch Hahwa (Klaesante), Switch Vian (Myone). So 4.
…dolls did you miss out on buying? *coughs* 2. Cheshire Kitten Lance and Switch Huisa.
…dolls did you sell? Msdoll Laurie Head. Soom OE Ai went back to
raining_on . 2.
…doll hobbyists did you meet in person for the first time? Wow. Quite a number. Less than 20, I guess.
In 2010, did you…
…buy more/fewer dolls than you had planned? Lots more. >_< But, from another perspective: I did plan to have them... somewhere along the way. Ho hum.
…acquire your dream doll? Yep. Switch answered my pleas for a Milhwa-lookalike by sending along his twin brother. 8D And GWYNE. (Glad I grabbed him when
schizocheese released Tae.)
…find a new dream doll? Yeah. I'm no longer hung up on Esthy's Peroth. I think my Roving Resin Eye is satisfied with the Eytinges coming in.
…learn a new skill? Mmm... I learnt to shoot dolls with a DSLR this year.
…improve on something you knew how to do already? Sewing for the crew! I made a 124-squared patch dress for Sana!