Jul 09, 2004 01:39
so llamas...que asco!
this week...fun/really bad.
explanation...I dont have one.. I need my thinking time. Im sorry for this stupid shit I did. I really feel stupid and lame about all of it. Im glad you guys are being understanding with me. Thanks. Ill think next time, I swear I will.
I hung out with Kate for a couple days. She's sucha sweetheart. I dont know where my feelings are with her at this point. I think hanging out with her is a lot of fun and things are good. We'll see where this all leads me.
"I swear, If Mike Stetzer were an animal, he would be Tiggie, and if Tiggie were a person, hed be Mike Stetzar"~ Alicia<--tru story
Tonight was Jasons birthday. I gotted to hang out with Ashley and Maria while we were there. It was nice seeing them again. Gosh Im sucha lamo...seriously..its only been like 3 days since I've seen them, but its understandable that Im all YAY for them, because, I was the one who fucked up, and they took me back. lmao so Im thankful for that. Jason eric and brett were all RIPPED off their asses, so they were all so funny. I had a lot of fun with ashley and maria. lmao "maria your mothers on the fone" lmao yeah ashley...say it again...I didnt quite hear you..? GO DRY YOUR ARMPITS!!!
Something I realized today...curiosity really does kill the cat...hmm...something to think about.
Im glad things are getting better. Im making plans with alot of people. It feels nice to see 'new' faces. Hopefully all my plans for the summer will go through just as hoped for.
Im out bitches. ta ta ~jessica ann xoxoxxx
PEACCEE!!!!~hippy not 'stupie' niggy voice. lmao dedicated to Cailie!!