Mar 06, 2005 19:18
Ohhhh shitt. its been so damn long.. well ALOT has happended in the past months or w.e.. well to start things on a shitty ass note, i wrecked my car AGAIN!! this time its totalled i had ppl in the car this time to, but i got rushed by the EMT to the ER and came out with only a concusion, sprained ankle, strained back n neck.. butt heyy thank god for perkeset!!i havee no clue how to put pics up so id show u but the whole passenger side of my car and front end is umm well it got the shit beat out of it with a rock wall, kuz wad da know thats what i spun into! anyways... me n joe are still going at it.. 0o0o yyaa! talked to my jamie bishop today and we def came to the conclusion that when ur high u are extremly horny as jamie demonstrates in this comment.. seductiveXdragon: must have penis
oh well gotta love her! haha umm my parents officaly like hate me kuz now they have to get me a new car.. but good for me i gusse new car to smoke in and Break it in.. mwah haha.. ne who this week has been fucking chilll!! well last friday 2-25-05 i didnt go to school kuz i was on bed rest kuz of my concusion.. so i go back monday no big.. well shit tuesday-thrusday SNOW DAY BITCHEZ...and wait wait... friday and monday we dont have school kuz teachers meetings gee wizz!! fabulous! I also have been fuckked up this pass week and its been aweeeesommme! last night me n joe went to austins for his kick back thing, we get there i get some beer.. and i see andrew and blayne life savers.. well blayne starts walking to this car and gets in so i jump on his lap and i realize 5:1 ratio boy to girl! only girl in the car, so of course i got hoooked up with the weeeddd! yayah..drank lil bit then joe was all amanda u know we still have to go center college get the other vehicle so we would take it back to his crib.. so fuck i leave finally and we take the vehicles.. but it got better, kuz me n joe crashed at center colege that night (slept not accident) haha and i got drunk as a motha.. but gotta make this short.. monica just called me and her and some of her friends got in a wreck earlier so ima gonna go make sure shes okay:) kuz i <3 her hehe byez! yes this week roxs.. yayah! man its lets get in the wreck club, kuz jessi my other friend totalled his car friday... shiitt.. cars are dangerous!