Take two. I did this a couple a years ago and surprised myself by getting many of the things on the list done. "Find a way to make broccoli edible" was one, which is funny because I eat that shit nearly -every day- now.
Lets just say the start date is 01-2001 even though I started writing it early December.
1. Save 3000 dollars
2. Invest500 dollars (Have Aunt Mar and Uncle Lou show me how)
3. Open a credit card and pay it off monthly
4. Lose 70 lbs/achieve healthy bmi
5. Bike the whole Pinellas Trail in one day
6. Run/jog a mile without stopping.
7. Get accepted to Ringling College of Art and Design
8. Maintain a 3.5 gpa or better
9. Make a sailor's valentine
10. Learn to knit or crochet (make 3 things)
11. Sew 3 projects on my sewing machine
12. Sew a quilt
13. Finish mermaid x-stitch project
14. Organize, scan, and scrapbook all personal photos
15. Visit 3 natural springs
16. Visit Key West for a weekend with Dawna
17. Visit 2 cities in other states that I've never been to
18. Visit 1 city in another state that I already love
19. Paint a vintage-style circus sign (mermaid)
20. Visit New Orleans with Kenzie via road trip
21. Visit Atlanta (Georgia Aquarium and GWTW Museum)
22. Get Absolute Sandman Vol 4
23. Learn to make perfect sushi rice
24. Bake 3 different batches of cupcakes
25. Write and illustrate a personal comic
26. Revise, illustrate, and bind mermaid fairy tale
27. See 3 different concerts (1. Jonathan Coulton 01/15/10!)
28. See 3 different stage shows
29. Go horseback riding
30. Learn to make restaurant quality Thai tea
31. Perform in at least 1 Thrill The World event
32. Go to 3 different parties or events in costume
33. Make a Victorian style mermaid artifact shadowbox/trunk
34. Bake 3 different things from scratch
35. Complete 3 personal paintings
36. Learn t-shirt surgery and make 3 different creations
37. Learn t-shirt bleach art and make 3 different shirts
38. Master a shoulder stand in yoga
39. Do 10 real push-ups
40. Master yoga mudra pose without straps
41. Subscribe to Juxtapose
42. Read 36 books/novels (at least one book a month)
43. Master plow pose in yoga
44. Start scripting a graphic novel
45. Get 3 loose pictures framed
46. Make fried pickles
47. Make 3 different kinds of exotic truffles
48. Write 3 different short stories
49. Further cull comics and organize them
50. Finish collecting Scion comics
51. Get new glasses rx
52. Get Absolute Batman: Hush and Long Halloween
53. Get Yamaya tapestry
54. Participate in National Coastal Cleanup Day
55. Make an art doll (Madame de Sirene?)
56. Get a membership to the Ocean Conservancy
57. Make 1 new friend
58. Donate 8 hours of time to charity (get free Disney day- do this in 2010)
59. Have at least 1 full month where I go to the gym 5x per week
60. Host a party
61. Start 3 Sisters story
62. Read "No Plot No Problem"
63. Win NaNoWriMo at least once
64. Learn to read tarot w/out a reference
65. Learn The Thriller dance choreography
66. Do at least 3 finished illustrations for San's fairy tale.
67. Cook 3 new Indian dishes
68. Pickle my own vegetables (3 different kinds/combinations)
69. Organize and back up itunes/music
70. Write ten new flash fiction story starters
71. Take a basic dance class
72. Replace/upgrade computer tower/keyboard/mouse
73. Learn embroidery (embroider 3 different projects)
74. Get metallic mermaid sewing scissors (start setting up sewing box)
75. Complete "in joke" samplers
76. Old English my furniture to cover nicks and gouges.
77. Purchase a spice rack
78. Visit the beach ten times
79. Go on a weekend trip with Aunt Mar and Uncle Lou
80. Convert saltwater tank to freshwater
81. Open an Etsy shop
82. Cook hieu tieu (and 3 other new Vietnamese dishes)
83. Cook 3 traditionally Japanese dishes (01/03/2010- okonomiyaki)
84. Start web comic project with Adam
85. Study and emulate 3 art styles different from my own (3 finished projects)
86. Try 3 new fruits
87. Eat at a Korean BBQ Restaurant
88. Learn best way to backup/reformat PC - work on being more self sufficient with it
89. Get a laptop
90. Reacquaint myself with French
91. Mail hand-written notes to all of my friends
92. Fold 3000 paper cranes
93. Learn to belly dance
94. Buy a bikini (and wear it!)
95. Get a tattoo
96. Get a piercing (or pair of them)
97. Purchase a membership to livejournal
98. Never miss a Renaissance fair (3 of them)
99. Organize images on hd
100. Reacquaint myself with English/study to become a better writer
101. Finish this list