I'm sorry guys, I just haven't been in much of a mood to write lately. I'm taking a break right now from cleaning and sorting my apartment. Tonight I'm going to a meeting with my possible future employer. Soon this place should actually be livable and that will be nice. Things with Eric are getting better and we have learned a lot in the past few months. Its hard to believe we've already been dating for six months! CCS Medical is a bunch of cocksucking dickheads and if you have diabeetus you should never ever use their shitty services. I threw my back out week before last and they fired me because of that. I was a temp, so I have no recourse. Boo. A day before I threw out my back my hard drive crashed, and no, I didn't have it backed up. Also Boo.
I weigh 226 now- at my heaviest before I started losing weight I was 248. This makes me feel pretty great. This cute punky little skirt I've had for a while fits me again- its been over a year since it has. Eating well isn't really as hard as I thought it would be. I've discovered after many years as my nemesis, that I love broccoli. I love it best in seafood pork broth Pho, but I also enjoy it steamed and tucked inside brown rice. I can make sushi now, too. I found this awesome Korean store that has masago and the crab sticks like they use in the restaurants. I'm addicted to Silk vanilla soy milk. I don't really miss the dairy liquid at all. I'm still eating cheese, though that will stop soon. Is anyone else as addicted to Rock of Love with Brett Michaels as I am? Its like watching a train wreck- I just can't look away. Another addiction I have right now is Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town for the GBSP. Last night I went through my kitchen and threw away most things that had high fructose corn syrup listed as the first or second ingredient.
Soy Milk instead of Skim Milk
Morning Star farms chick nuggets instead of Tyson chicken nuggets
Fresh baked red skin potatoes instead of french fries
http://www.ghirardelli.com/products/chocbars_intense_twilight.aspx instead of milk chocolate
those are some of the major substitutions I've made so far- but I'm sure more will follow.
Yeah this was disjointed as hell. Ah well. Hope you're all doing well!