Homecomming/ Parents weekend

Oct 17, 2004 14:34

Well, this was going to be a happy post, but happiness never stays long enough to update your journal.

My Aunt Pat died last night. She has had pancretic cancer for a little over a year now, and she lived past the doctors expectations. Yesterday, before she died, my parents and my Aunt and Uncle in Michigan were talking about the funneral, and the barrial and the calling hours, and tim missing class for them as if she was already gone. This bothered me, talking about someone who was alive as if they were dead. But then this morning when my dad called to say he was picking up Tim (who crashed here last night) he told me she died. It's strange, cause I really don't know how you're supposed to deal with death in college. Especially when you live seven hours away from the funeral. I really can't see me getting any closure.

Anyway, enough of the sad stuff. Up until then I was having a really good weekend. I scored tickets in the student section for the homecoming game, really cheap I might add, the night before. So Tim and I got to go and we had a great time. My parents decided that since we weren't going to be sitting with them that they weren't gonna go, so my cousin sold the tickets at the bar in the morning. Nobody could believe anyone wanted to buy them, cause they were in section 120, like, the worst seats imaginable. But, he actually got a good price for it.

I don't know if anyone saw the game, but it is one that will live on in imfamy(spelling?). Nobody thought MSU had a chance, we were just all hoping the wouldn't get crushed too bad. The final score was 51 to 17, and WE are the ones who one! Who says that miracles don't happen.

Oh, and the weather was just fabulous. There is nothing better then a 43 degree cool, 30 degree windchill, rain, wind, and don't forget hail. God, good times. You know those commercials that say "Devotion...Austalian for bear" well i felt like, "Devotion...college for football fan"

I have never been that cold and that wet in my life, but it was a good time.

Then I got my parents to buy me some clothes, and gorceries, and my Aunt Gail made a fabulous dinner, and then Tim and I went to my cousin's bar. Let me tell you, if you know him, you are hooked up. It's like being related to Van Wilder at coolege. First, we got in on the side door, with no cover charge, and a line around the block. Actually, I should say that I got in at all, since I'm only 18. Then, Tim was in heaven. My cousin told all the guys that Tim was on his tab, and then he started with a beer, but they kept throwing free shots his way, and many beers later it was closing time, so Matt offered to give us a ride how. So we went to the basement of the bar for a while, talked with all the guys, counted money, and got a couple free shirts, oh, and some fabulous pizza. Matt drove us home. Tim has the smallest bladder in the world, he told me himself, and he was drunk as all Hell. I had to get him through the door, upstairs, to the guys bathroom, then to bed. He only marginally embarassed me, as everyone we saw is pretty much used to seeing extremely drunk people walking around.

So my parents came back to pick him up this morning, and then I went back to sleep till one when my roommate got home.

I just took a shower, and of course finished completing the longest journal entry ever. Yay!!
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