Jan 26, 2009 08:51

Yesterday at dinner...

Mom: Wanna hear a joke?
Me: K
Mom: I don't really remember the punch line, but maybe youv'e heard it before?
Me: Maybe
Mom: Ok, so what do you call nuts on a wall?
Me: huh?
Mom: Walnuts :D
Mom: what do you call nut on a chest?
Me: ...chestnuts?
Mom: Yeah! What do you call nuts on a chin?
Me: Chin...nut?
Mom: I think this is where the punch line is...
Me: So you don't know how it ends...
Mom: ...
Me: ...
Mom: >//////< Ooooh, I think this is a diry joke...
Me: *faceplam*
Michelle: how did it go again?
Michelle: so Nuts on a wall, walnuts. Nuts on a chest, chestnuts.
Michelle: Sooo, nuts on a chin, blow job. C:
Mom: Oh yeah! That's how it goes...
Me: O.O
Mom: O.O

Michelle is eleven!!!!!!
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! She shouldn't know terms like that!!!
And she most definatly shouldn't understand a dirty joke before her older sister!!!

home life

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