So, been a little while since I made an entry. That's thanks to this wonderful little browser game called
VDex Project (or Virtual Dex Project) that I found here on LJ. :3 It's kinda like Pokemon Crater, only, better in some ways? I dunno XD Been a long while since I played on Pokemon Crater.
But this place is pretty fun, if not addicting and mind-numbing ^^ It's a bit different in the sense that you more-or-less collect Pokemon rather than have battles, but they still do evolve and gain experience. It's just not a battling sim. More of a hunting, catching and collecting game than anything else ^^
And collecting is so much fun because the creator actually thought of something awesome and put in Pokemon sprites from all the generations, so even common Pokemon like a Rattata can have a rarer form too. :3 It makes hunting and searching for that perfect version of a Pokemon's sprite pretty fun ^^
Anyways, if anyone does join, hit me up there by searching for Laiko. It's still a small, new site, but it's pretty cool ^^ And plus I can show you my Shiny Nidoran. He is so made of win <33
The main reason I wanted to make a post though, was cause I'm really worried about ET, our slightly-older cat of the duo. It seems she's been having a bad week and has been acting a little strange and out of character for a while too :/ Usually on days like Fridays, she'll stand in front of my closed door and cry until I let her in or go downstairs to feed her because Dad would be at the farm and Mom would have already gone to work, but today was nothing. During most of my exam week, she spent a lot of time in my room sleeping on my bed too. More than she usually would. And she hasn't really been as vocal as she usually is lately, and is feeling a lot lighter too
Well a few days ago, my dad commented about her and how she apparently fell off one of the dining room chairs and started flopping around like a fish pretty fast. o.O While that seemed a little odd, especially about her falling off the chair, my mom and I didn't think a heck of a lot of it. I mean this is the cat who's sense of balance is really kinda unbalanced at times, hates going downstairs to the cat box by herself in the dark, chases her tail for a ten year old cat, and got stuck in the fridge when we first got her.
Stupid cute things are things that she tends to do the best XD
But tonight my mom called me from upstairs asking me where she was. She had another episode in the living room and freaked my mom out right and good. We found her in the front room underneath the piano bench, chair and tree decorations and she didn't want to be touched. She kinda backed up when we tried to approach her, though she let me pet her behind the chair but I couldn't really tell if she was shaking or not. I think the whole thing freaked the poor cat out so much o.O
Mom, who is a registered nurse, thinks differently and said it was more like a seizure episode O.O;; And that's two episodes in one week as well. Something is definitely wrong with ET.
We haven't made an appointment yet, but we're planning on it. I hope we can get one for this week, even though it's a Christmas rush and everything. I didn't see one of these episodes and suffice to say, I'm curious to see just how she acts, but I really hope we manage to get an appointment for this week >.<
Anyways, just thought I'd write about that, since I haven't had an entry in here for a little while ^^;; I'll make a better one later one, and just a note that Christmas cards are unfortunately going to be late )X I'm sorry for the delay guys >.< You'll still get them though~!
Till then, I'm going to watch some 5Ds before hitting the hay cause I haven't seen an episode in weeks due to school and everything. I'm already a little bit into the episode, and the whole western theme of this little filler arc induces much lulz and smiles to me now ^^