Finally manned (girled?) up and faced le dreaded article. The topic I really really love but I never thought it would be so hard to write ;A; Well, what the heck.
Could you believe that less than 100 years ago, our Earth was the most unideal place to live in? Boys get sent to war and die before knowing peace. Girls had to make themselves look ugly or disguise themselves as boys so they wouldn’t get raped. Families and friends broke up. Houses and buildings burned down. Hundreds of thousands of properties got destroyed. Millions of lives got lost, and billions were left with indelible war scars, physical or not. World War II was the most violent, costly, destructive... simply the worst war that the world has ever been involved in.
And then, suddenly, there was peace. After a decade of fighting, killing, mistrust, and abuse, there was peace. Fearing that the truce would only be temporary, like the “peace” after World War I, the nations decided to do something about it, for nobody wanted to go back to war ever again. Thus, the United Nations was born on October 24, 1945.
Determined to make peace last forever, or at least, for as long as it possibly could, its five permanent members - USA, UK, France, Russia, and China - established the UN as the main peace authority for the entire planet. To any nation which had a heavy problem with itself or with other nations, there’s finally a mediator. Not only is the UN responsible for world peace, it’s also in charge of international law, security, economic development, social progress, human rights... in short, it’s Earth’s guardian! Without the UN, more fights would have raged on, more strife would have gone unresolved, more crises would have gone unacted upon... World War could have reappeared for a third time!
Being the Earth’s guardian is an easy task, and as the UN is run by humans like you and me, it is imperfect. But to be the product of everybody’s love and unity, is that not enough to celebrate the hero of the world?
Holy shizznaps, everything's swimming before my eyes =_=