[Economics] What is the connection of the issue of plagiarism to the Philippine economy?

Nov 15, 2010 23:06

Another Economics essay. This one is regarding the plagiarism issue involving the Supreme Court and the entire faculty of the UP College of Law. Conceptualized, typed, and printed on Sunday, the day before the submission because I'm lazy like that :)


What is the connection of the issue of plagiarism in the Supreme Court to the Philippine economy?

Plagiarism is defined by Wikipedia as “the wrongful appropriation, close imitation, or purloining and publication, of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and the representation of them as one's own original work.” It is, therefore, an act of dishonesty. “A judicial system that allows plagiarism in any form is one that allows dishonesty.”

Seeing as the Philippine Supreme Court, the highest judicial body within the jurisdiction's court system, is willing to twist the meaning of a law in order to wash its own hands clean, it presents an unappealing image to both local and foreign investors, which could then discourage investments and affect the economy. Also, dishonesty being looked over in the most eminent institution in our country means that dishonesty can be looked over in lower courts and other organizations. A law-enforcing authority which lacks the people’s trust in it would have a hard time managing a populace encouraged to perform dishonest acts and hope to slip through loopholes, just like what the Supreme Court had done.

Furthermore, what they had done is similar to piracy, which is a form of stealing. It robs whatever credit the original authors might have had and, in consequence, presents unfair compensation and imbalance in the economy, because they gained recognition without putting in any contribution to the thought.


Of course it's half-assed, because I was effing sleepy and uncreative. I couldn't even understand what the heck I was writing. Also, that entire time, my mom was sitting beside me in the internet shop, waiting for me to go home x(
I finished at about 1am and she scolded me all the way home TT3TT

s: economics, w: article

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