Title: The Best Dare in the World
couryielle Characters: fem!England, America, Prussia, France, Spain
Summary: This was supposed to be the toughest dare in the world - kiss the most volatile student in the whole school. As a hero, Alfred just can't back down!
Note: Written for the
usxuk Sweethearts Week Event, Day 5 (Across the Universes) ♥
Words: 754
“I bet you he can’t do it,” Gilbert snickered behind the thick bush.
“Yup! Little Miss Brit’s gonna throw him a fit!” Antonio chuckled. He was so amused by his rhyme that his friends had to to cover his mouth and silence him before he gives their hiding place away.
“I’m not so sure,” Francis quipped after Antonio’s laughter had died down. “Poor little Alice is terrible at hiding her feelings. You can read her like an open book whenever Alfred’s around. She’s so cute~”
Gilbert looked at him incredulously. “What, would you rather have done the dare yourself?”
“Nah,” Francis replied. “Today, I just wanna see her sucker-punch the living daylights out of somebody else aside from me...”
It’s just one kiss, Alfred. ONE quick, chaste little kiss. It’s not gonna kill you, is it? No big deal! Alfred tried to convince himself as he marched bravely across the playground to the swings, where Alice Kirkland, the prim-and-proper English schoolmate (and a very secret target of his budding fascination), sat alone. She seemed to be speaking to the bushes, but Alfred was a little too distracted to notice. He inhaled deeply, puffed out his chest, and sat on the empty swing beside Alice. Even without a sideways glance, Alice always blushes merely upon feeling Alfred’s presence, the three hidden friends noted with amusement.
“Hi, Alice,” Alfred greeted cheerfully. "I... I mean you...er..." God, what was wrong with him that day? He had his speech plotted out just a few meters ago!
Still without looking, Alice replied (with more gentleness than she intended), “What do you want?” Undetected by Alfred’s senses, her friends were elbowing and winking at her, making Alice blush all the more.
Alfred was so sure he was prepared for this question. Was. Damn, this was turning into the most challenging anything he’d ever taken on.
Oh, screw it all, he thought as he quickly, suddenly planted a sweet little kiss on the surprised lady’s cheeks. From what seemed like all over the playground, bushes exploded with excited squees and triumphant cheers, both humanly audible and not.
“Now let’s just wait for him to get socked!” the three grinned.
Alfred staggered away, dazed and blushing furiously. How could his head feel so heavy yet so light at the same time? It took several seconds for the implications of what he had just done to sink in.
“Hahahahaha! Sorry, it was just a dare I had to do for Valentine’s! Please don’t get mad at me!” he laughed nervously, putting his hands up defensively in front of him like a traffic cop in the path of a speeding truck. He felt like a dork, and probably looked like one too. At that point, all he cared about was steeling his body, for he was sure that in that long pause, Alice was thinking where and how hard to hit him.
In reality, Alice’s mind was either too cluttered or too blank to think up a proper punishment. She knew she had to hit, kick, or slap him somehow for doing something so crass, but an unfamiliar, oddly cozy warmth engulfed her body so much so that her muscles could only tremble in place. She lifted her hand up to make Alfred pay for what he did, but couldn’t do anymore than that. She felt herself holding back. Why the heck was she holding back? Alice looked at Alfred incredulously, not quite believing that he alone had been the cause of all this internal turmoil.
“Stupid American!” she screamed before running away, not knowing what else to do. Alfred stood staring after her, dumbstruck and not quite believing that he wasn’t brutally dead yet, or even mortally wounded. Antonio, Gilbert, and Francis couldn’t seem to believe it either.
“Dude, she didn’t kill you and... dude, you have the derpiest smile on your face...” Gilbert uttered, completely amazed (and no, totally not envious that he couldn’t just get away with doing the same thing to a certain Hungarian girl without getting a face full of frying pan).
Alfred stared on, wondering why he wasn’t the one who ran away in the first place. He cared not if he looked like the love child of the lamest dork and the reddest tomato, he just wanted to stay for a while more before the magic disappears once he moves.
And you thought Valentine’s dares were stupid, a tiny voice inside him chastised, and all he could do was to break out in a wider smile.
This was supposed to be for Day 1 buuuuut...
Why can't I write anything but mindless fluff lately :|